Excellent news!! Hurtigruten’s newly modernised and upgraded expedition cruise liner, M/S Spitsbergen. Read about our delivery below:
Our delivery:
- VDR, VR-3000
- Navigation log, FE-700
- Navigation log, DS-80
- Sonar, CH-270
- ECDIS, 2 x FMD-3200
- Radar, FAR-3230 SSD
- Radar, FAR-3210
- GPS, FAP-2000 TCS
- AIS, FA-150
- Navtex, NX-700
- GPS, 2 x GP-150
- Alarm system, BR-500
Furuno Norge joined the cruice liner on their first trip, sailing from Geiranger to Ålesund. A wonderful experience!
We want to congratulate the shipowners and the crew with this magnificent cruise liner. Good luck in the future!