Furuno Norway and our dealer Vico would like to congratulate Vendla AS with the baptism day. The ahipowner Nils Olai Østervold is responsible for the baptism of the large trawl....
Discover our newly designed MaxSea Time Zero panel....
Loran is the largest Line/-yarn vessel. They have prepared themselves better with Furuno Night Navigator....
Asbjørn Selsbane has baptisms the upcoming weekend and Furuno congratulate the magnificent ship....
Furuno Norge gratulerer Giske Havfiske med nybåten som skal døpes i morgen, lørdag. ...
Nor Shipping is finally started, and Furuno Norway is currently very pleased with attendance at the booth. ...
We have now made a brochure and a movie about TS-337A. This trawlsonar was nominated to the Nor Fishing innovationprice 2012....
In 2015 The Tall Ship Races are coming to Ålesund, wich is the city where we have our main office. The race is a big happening and have a good...
Havfisk har i dag dåp for sin nye tråler, Gadus Poseidon. Furuno har levert en god del elektronisk fiskeutstyr til denne fantastiske tråleren....
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