"During installation one can be quite overwhelmed by the many activities going on, all over the place. The noise and the mess and the clock ticking away. You almost start regretting the whole thing… But once again at sea, in due time, with new and modern systems at hand… Well, it was of course all worthwhile!"
For more than half a century, FURUNO has been developing groundbreaking, state-of-the-art, marine electronics. In our DNA you will find a dedication to move the boundaries of sensor technology, thus revealing what the human eye cannot see. Equally important is how we present data to improve situational awareness, which far exceeds the capabilities of the human mind. This is how we CHALLENGE THE INVISIBLE.

Furuno Voyager is a navigation system for IMO vessels, consisting of multifunction workstations with seamless display of radar/chart radar, ECDIS, Conning and alarm handling. In addition, Furuno supplies a wide range of instruments and sensors that are required in accordance with the EU's MED directive.
We continuously deliver bridge retrofit projects ranging from small projects where we e.g. replace radar plants, to extensive full bridge retrofits for IMO vessels with complex bridge solutions. Our well-proven project methodology has been developed over many years, based on our own experience. It has been developed with a strong focus on ensuring implementation at the agreed price and agreed time.
The various ship segments often require that the ship's bridge is configured for segment-specific modes of operation. There may be rules and regulations that determine which of our product models within our product series are relevant. Furuno has a wide range of navigation and communication instruments to meet the requirements of the various segments.
During the planning stage of a retrofit project we thoroughly review ship and operartion-specific requirements and make sure that the new solution is compliant to applicable rules and regulations, well adapted to the ship's various operating modes and rigged with a strong foucs on workstation ergonomics.

Shuttle ferries have a very specific bridge configuration and thus requirements for solutions that e.g. take into account presentation on screen, depending on the sailing direction.

Larger fishing vessels are required to be fitted with an IMO navigation solution and at the same time their operation requires a number of instruments related to fishing and catch control, with associated displays and controls. In addition to IMO approved equipment for the navigation solution, we recommend our BlueBridge concept for the best possible utilization of displays.