TS-332 stepping sonar with an integrated 2-FREquency ECho sounder
Trawl sonar TS-332 is a stepping sonar with a full circle coverage where the desired sector for observation is set by the user. The sonar then scans the sector with a user-defined step width between 0.3 and 2.4 degrees.
The TS-332 is a 330 kHz high frequency sonar that provides a very high resolution presentation. It provides a good overview of the desired sector of the trawl opening, while giving the exact distance to the bottom as well as drawing the bottom conditions in great detail.
TS-332 can be combined with Trawl Sonar TS-360, our omni trawl sonar with a frequency of 120 kHz. The two models can be combined as they may share the same processor and power supply. Both models can be used with the Furuno catch sensor CS-400.
TS-332 is a stepping sonar where the user can freely set the desired sector and choose the step width. TS-332 has an integrated two-frequency 260 kHz/120 kHz echo sounder, which makes this model suitable for both bottom trawling and pelagic trawling.

The TS-332 sonar image provides a good understanding of trawl's position relative to the sea floor.
The TS-332 has an integrated high/low frequency echo sounder which makes this model suitable for several types of fishing.
- High frequency of 260 kHz with 10° cone beam is ideal for bottom trawling. The high frequency provides the opportunity to present valuable details about the bottom conditions, as well as a clear presentation of the trawl's foot rope.
- The low frequency of 120 kHz with a 20° cone beam provides a significantly longer detection range which is preferable during pelagic trawling, when trawls with a much larger trawl opening are used and bottom conditions are irrelevant.
The TS-332 has a high/low frequency echo sounder which makes this trawl sonar suitable for several types of fishing. Low frequency gives a good range and is favourable for pelagic trawling, while high frequency provides very high resolution and is suitable for bottom trawling.

Depth data from trawl sonar as presented on the Furuno echo sounder FSS-3BB
TS-332 depth data can be exported to a compatible sonar such as
- Furuno FSS-3BB , 3 kW sonar with species and size distribution
- Furuno FCV-38 , 4 kW low frequency sonar, 38 kHz
Depth data is presented graphically in the echogram and provides accurate information about the depth of both the head line and the foot rope so that you can easily see how the trawl is positioned relative to the fish.

Depth data from the TS-360 and TS-332 trawl sonar is presented in the F3D-S data window at the top right of the image, as well as with separate depth lines in the vertical section. This provides a good understanding of how the trawl is positioned relative to the fish or to the sea floor, during bottom trawling.
Both trawl sonar TS-332 and TS-360 can be integrated with the 3D module F3D-S for Furuno low-frequency sonar FSV-25.
Furuno F3D-S presents the depth information from the trawl sonars both as text in a data window and as symbols in the graphic presentation. The TS-332 sends depth data for the trawl sonar and the height of the trawl opening measured as the distance between the trawl sonar and the bottom line. This is presented as H DPT (head rope depth) and HF (head rope to fish line) in the data window, and you also see H and F in the vertical section, on dedicated depth lines.

A common problem with trawl sonar is that the mounting onto the trawl typically causes the sonar to lie at a squewed angle. The detection area of the sonar will then be too far ahead of the trawl opening in order to observe fish entering into the trawl.
For all of our trawl sonars we reccomend our trawl sonar frame, constructed spesifically to target theh issue of incorrect angle. The sonar is firmly and securely placed into the frame which is carefully designed to attache well to the trawl.
Using the frame may improves pitch by up to -12° (degrees) and provides the right angel to observe the trawl opening and the fishing line.
The frame fits all of our trawl sonar models and we recommend the frame where incorrect pitch on the trawl sonar is found to be a problem.