Furuno stakk av med den prestisjefylte prisen "NMEA technology award", andre året på rad! I fjor var det Solid State radaren DRS4D-NXT som ble vinneren, og i år ble det multistråleekkoloddet DFF-3D.
Juryens begrunnelse
Juryen kom med denne kommentaren om vinnerproduktet: "What stood out about the Furuno DFF-3D from the many worthy contenders is that it is the industry`s first deep-water multi beam sonar".
"It delivers a side-scan range of more than 650 feet and can see straight down to over 1,000 feet. It`s unique 165 kHz frequency allows you to view the DFF-3D sonar while simultaneously utilizing your conventional or CHIRP sonar. On top of that boaters can customize its display using four modes - cross-section, 3D sounder history, triple/single-beam sounder and side-scan."