Nor-Shipping is a very important event and meeting place for Furuno Norge. During the
exhibition we had a lot of visitors to our stand and we were happy that we could demonstrate our high tech, top quality products to so many customers. We had a great time at the exhibition and hope that you were inspired by the possibilities and solutions Furuno Norge can offer you and your vessels. We already look forward to Nor-Shipping 2017!
Furuno news at Nor-Shipping
Furuno is your total supplier of navigation and communication solutions. We have a wide range of managed communication services with worldwide professional support, covering the full range from entry level to all-inclusive packages. One-stop-shopping reduces cost and saves time! At the exhibition we showed you our wide product portfolio and our latest news. On the following pages you may have a look at some of the products we presented during the exhibition.
This includes our brand new video, which illustrates Furuno Norge as a total supplier of communication and navigation solutions, remote diagnostics and a service partner. Click here to watch the video...
Furuno Integrated Bridge system, INS Voyager
Furuno is developing it`s INS Voyager to offer multifunction workstations that combine flexibility and redundancy. At these multifunction displays users can easily select ECDIS, Radar/Chart Radar, Conning display or Alert Management System. Navigators will enjoy reduced workload with all necessary information available in a variety of displays and locations.
Below: Illustration of the system.
SafeComNet/ VSAT
Reliable and secure communication being more and more critical for ship owners, their partners and vendors. Information have to be shared between vessel and onshore offices and the crew are demanding both telephony and internet for keeping contact with their loved ones. Need for access to equipment and services on vessels from service partners onshore are also increasing.
SafeComNet is a solution from Furuno that meet today’s and future need for communication to and from vessels. One single point of contact help our customers to reduce time and cost using Furuno Norge SafeComNet solution on their vessels.
Oil radar, FOIL-200
Oil spill detection radars can be used in offshore and onshore installations; onboard the vessels, oil rigs or any other platforms where the radar is needed to detect oil spill. FOIL-200 gives you high quality pictures. In addition you can also mark the oil spills, update and record the raw radar video for later evaluation.
This is a brand new compact high-end industrial computer with integrated 24” display. TECDIS is a powerful route planning tool and important for safe and user friendly navigation. It contains Navtex integration, mini-conning, tracks, vetting and weather overlay.
Back Bridge Solution
The Furuno Norge Back Bridge Solution (BBS) is our new generation planning station featuring both voyage planning and the best possible situational awareness during marine operations. On this station the bridge officers have full access to updated charts and publications, active route and route library, and relevant sensor information from own ship as well as from other ships. Any planned action, and the sharing of information relevant to navigation, can be initiated and shared from this station to forward and aft bridge, to other ships and to shore based offices.
During the exhibition the Furuno BBS was demonstrated. The monitor used was the North Invent Wave XL 46’’ Touch display providing a large surface which is beneficial when simultaneously displaying information from several sensors. Demonstrated sensors were Furuno oil radar and IR camera and also an aerostat camera with recordings from last year’s Oil On Water exercise in the North Sea.
The Furuno BBS is easy to fit into most existing bridges and offers new services as well as added value to the Furuno systems already on board.
Back Bridge demonstation by Linda Wiik, Furuno Norge.
Focus on service!
By choosing Furuno, you invest in a high quality product, which we believe is the most reliable on the market. Still, you might experience situations where you need service, support or spare parts. We have therefore built a comprehensive service network in Norway and internationally over the past 70 years. A significant part of this is our training programmes aimed at our dealers, who are responsible for the first line service on board the vessels.
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